Friday, June 28, 2013

how Good Writing Can Create Great Content, high Traffic and Effective SEO

happy Friday!

how many of you out there are engaged in consistent content marketing?  Specifically, creating written content for your website, your blogs, writing articles or your social networks, just to name a few?

It's really amazing how effective good quality writing can be.  But it can also be very tricky.  After all, when it comes to the web, if it can be searched, it can be optimized.  That means that every part of that written content must be crafted not only for the reader, but for the search engines as well.

So remember that when you're posting a blog, writing an article, Tweeting, Facebooking, writing an answer to a question on a discussion forum, or creating quality content for your website, you must optimize all elements.  This means titles, descriptions, summaries, content bodies, resources and links.  Just keep in mind that you want all of this to be created for the reader first and the search engines second.  That's very very important.  They know what you're doing, and what Google, yahoo, Bing and all the others are trying to do is provide the best information to their users, so make sure that your information is the best it can be.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Building or redoing an effective, money-making website

I was thinking over the weekend about websites.  How important they are, and the trouble that a lot of small business people have when they try to make one.  Either they try it themselves or go to hire someone and have a bad experience.

I would have to say that every single website design customer I've ever had has had a bad experience in the past.  there are many reasons for this.  many are because the so-called 'website designer" or 'website developer" didn't know their rear end from a hole in the ground.  However, sad to say, some of the fault lies with the business person.  This mainly comes from ignorance of the field.  Nothing shocking there, most of us are primarily focused on our real business.

A friend of mine has an article on his website design homepage that was written to help business people along the processs of getting  a new or redone website.  it explains what it's all about, the process, and what the business owner can do to not only streamline the development of an effective and profitable website, but how to save money as well.

I urge you to take a look and read over this article, it's quite a handy tool.  After all, our websites are one of the most important marketing tools we have, so they might as well be good ones, right?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Power of Content marketing

hello all,

I have been thinking a lot lately about content.  About how important and effective content marketing is to your online marketing efforts.

So what I wanted to do in this post was list a couple of the most common content marketing areas.  By focusing on these, you can generate a lot of traffic for your websites.  not only traffic, but good quality qualified traffic.  This is because all content marketing is linkable.  So you not only get a flow of visitors, but the search engines will ick up on your content's SEO and link relevance as well.

So here are some top content marketing categories:

1.Articles - great for publishing long-form text
2.Blogs - a great way to publish textual, image-based and video content as well as interact with your reader
3.Video - using sites like youTube, you can say a lot with a short video
4.newsletters and ezines - like articles, these are generally opted into and are not only a great way to publish long-form content, but include offers and ads as well
5.E-books - The best way to say a lot.  Far longer than articles, e-books can be used as a freebee or as a paid product
6.Email - by collecting a voluntary email list over time, you have a great opportunity to market directly to people who have already expressed an interest in your products and services.
7.Guest blogging - another way to utilize the power of the blog.  Write a guest column on someone else's popular blog.  you will not only get a chance to share, but draw in new followers
8.Social media - A biggie, social media marketing is fantastic for promotion, building connections and establishing a cross-network presence.  Definitely helps give you a bigger virtual footprint.
9.Forums - there are millions of user discussion groups online.  So there is bound to be a few related to you and your business.  Get on there and become a resource by answering questions.
10.Your website - The obvious one.  But a great place to constantly ublish new SEO content of all kinds.  Almost everything I've mentioned above can be included alongside your website's standard information.

Just a couple of quick tips to wet your whistle.  As always, come visit us at our site to learn more.  And in the previous post, I included a link to an article i just wrote about some content marketing techniques that I think will be of great value.

Take care!

Monday, June 17, 2013

new Article to help you get more web traffic

Hi eveyone, Scott here,

We just posted a new article and thought you might enjoy it.  It's on writing content for SEO and your customers and how to do this as well as why.  it should be quite helpful and I'd like to invite you to take a look and let me know what you think:

Writing Tutorial - Writing SEO and Customer content online

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Hello everyone,

We have felt for a long time that a better blog was needed than the one at our website.  We've generally used this for inspirational material and some little tips and tricks related to marketing and advertising, with special focus on the internet side.

So we want to invite everyone to comment, post and share these blogs.  We will be providing links to helpful articles on internet marketing, seo, writing, business growth and development website design and other digital production as well as on personal and business success.  We'd love it if you got involved and added your thoughts, feelings and experiences to what we hope will become an invaluable resource.

We also invite you to visit our website and see what we're all about.  you'll find that we have a deep desire for the success of small business.  All business, really, but in particular, we love the entrepreneurial spirit that has made our country great.  to start you off, here are a few links to some articles we've written and our website as well.  We're very excited and and thank you for checking us out.

SEO Tips - What To Do, What Not To Do and Why,-What-Not-To-Do-And-Why&id=7769556
Success Strategies - How to Create a Profitable Marketing Campaign for Your Business
your Own internet Traffic Generating Octopus - The 8 Top Attention Getters
Hire a Professional Freelance Writer - 3 Good Reasons and What You Should Look For and Look Out For
Why You Need Backlinks to Your Website and How to Build Them
And of course, please come and check out our website, it's loaded with all sorts of goodies!